Author Topic: Arma 3 1.48 Update Discussion.  (Read 4552 times)


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Arma 3 1.48 Update Discussion.
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:33:25 PM »
So. Not sure how many of you been testing the new 1.48 update (Besides Browne and his need to look at holstered firearm) lately but I noticed some major changes that you guys might find interesting. If you have any others you noticed worth mentioning, place it here and discuss it!

For Browne: Added: Holstered sidearm visualization

- Changed: Engineers have provided most cars with new tires that are more durable against punctures.

- Fixed: Mortar now has a better center of mass.

- Added: AI using smoke cover when suppressed.

- Tweaked: Decreased density of meat material to stabilize deviations in damage output from leg and arm hits.
- Tweaked: Weather synchronization (
- Tweaked: Aiming behavior in limits
- Tweaked: AI is reacting better to unknown soldiers shooting behind it


I am noticing the AI is also responding a lot quicker and thinking differently than before. CQB is deadlier as they react much better and I also noticed the AI will not sit there waiting for you. They will camp doorways, chase you, flank you faster and overall suppress more often.

Anyone else notice this? Out of almost 2 years of AI Testing, this is quite jarring.