« on: August 07, 2015, 01:03:52 AM »
Hi all!! My name is Rob Mantell, I also go by Gunfighter. I'm a new pilot recruit for SEAL Team 3, I've got close to 600 hours in the Arma 3 and all but maybe 60 of it is in a helicopter either playing KOTH, on an op, testing every helicopter I could find, or practicing my craft. I love special operations type flying and practice on my own when nothing is going on to improve.....my goal is to be the best pilot you all know personally, and the one you want to have over your heads when it gets shitty. I'm a little bird master, proficient in the MH-60 and both the RHS and Kanyo Chinooks, and I have a secret love affair with GrumpyJ's UH-1 pack. Lately I have been focusing on assault appraoches at night with NVG's for obvious reasons......
I only play one game. Before I started playing Arma 3 this past March I played IL2 1946.....been playing that since 2003. You won't find anyone more dedicated to being the best, and I am honored to have been accepted into SEAL Team 3. I like my time away from the military, and this group seems to have the perfect balance; I found folks who aren't all "YES DRILL SGT!!" on comms but are DEADLY serious on an op. I look forward to proving myself to you all over the next few months!!
In person I'm 37 and am a Surfman in the US Coast Guard. I've been in for over 19 years and plan on retiring next August and moving on to something that makes a good deal more money!!