First Name: Travis
Last Name: Rinker
Age: 25
How long have you been playing ARMA? About a year
Have you read and met the requirements of joining SEAL Team 3 Realism Unit? Yes
Have you read and understood the Unit's definition of realism gameplay and is it the kind of experience you're looking for? Totally. Otherwise I wouldn't apply.
Desired NEC / Officer Designation: 5301 UDT/SEAL Candidate
ARMA III Player ID: 76561198104628774
How did you find out about us? Arma 3 squad forum
Attendance by all members is mandatory on Saturdays 2000 CST (Central Trime Zone). Will you be able to attend these times? Yes. I've talked to a few of your members about my schedule and we've come to an agreement. I am working it out with my wife on getting saturday nights my official "play date" which could take a couple weeks to iron out.
Why do you want to join SEAL Team 3 Realism Unit? I am fascinated with team play, dynamic missions, real time strategy, and having a good time. I love the Navy SEALs and tried to start a unit a while back but couldn't kick start it. I've done my research on them and what it's all about, and let's just say I'm obsessed with SEALs.